20-Minute Home Boxing Workout

20-Minute Home Boxing Workout

Brian Pedone of Quiet Punch takes you through a home boxing workout that is 20-minutes long. YouTube link: https://youtu.be/7kCIDPgzt6A

Product used in the video: Quiet Punch Doorway Punching Bag with Punch Tracker

Here is the breakdown of the workout:

Brian Pedone here. Let's get to going. We're going to do a 20-minute workout. I'm going to have my Quiet Punch Play App up because I have my sensor on the back of my bag so you can watch it as we do our punch count, and also see our timer. We do have a couple punches in there already, so we'll be a little ahead of it, about 200 plus punches in because I already did some punches for the day, but I'll keep that in mind.

Let's work those nice long ones and twos. I want to make sure this one's a really low impact workout. That's the beauty of the bag as well, is that everything is low impact so you don't have to go crazy and hurt yourself as you're throwing these punches. Remember to keep the elbows in, chin tucked down, working on some nice... Notice the bounce of my feet, I'm bouncing my toes, getting nice a turnover. Make sure you get a nice turnover. Make sure the hands are up, elbows in, chin tucked down and working nice long punches.

You're familiar with the naming of the punches. These are really simple basic ones and twos. Good. We got the ones and twos that are coming out really nicely. I'm going to do the ones and twos and then we're also going to work on some fives and sixes, which are the upper cuts. Notice my movement from the bottom half is the same. I'm still getting nice rotation except my fists have changed. Now my palms are facing up as opposed to my palms facing down.

These are the fives and sixes. Again, bouncing on my toes. Let's blend that together. Let's go for a one, two, five, six. Make sure it's a different punch. Straight, straight, up, up. Good. Straight, straight, up, up. Good. Keep a good rhythm, keep a nice bounce. That's it. That's what we're looking for. Again, we're doing a nice 20-minute workout.

Make sure you checkout the Quiet Punch Doorway Punching Bag.

Again, notice the rhythm. Keeping a nice bounce here. Just playing with these shots. Yes. Let's go for two more. One more time. Beautiful. Let's add in the hooks as well. We're going to go one, two, five, six. What they call three and a four. It's one, two, five, six, three, four. Remember on these hooks. Notice my angle. I'm still hitting the center of the bag, but I'm making sure I'm hooking it, which means a 90 degree angle of my arm. I may have to modify a little bit with my wrist, but the bag is nice and soft so you won't hurt yourself. Again, one, two, five, six, three, four. Straight, straight, up, up, hook, hook. Good.

We like to do, at least for the first two minutes, a nice warm-up. Notice the rhythm I'm doing. Notice my feet as well. I'm bouncing. I'm trying to use my whole body as I throw these punches. I'm not standing here doing arm punches. I'm actually using my whole body as I go. Straight, straight up, up, hook, hook. Let's do a few more. Got two more. One more time. Beautiful.

Let's work that jab. With the jab, notice I am just flicking the shot out, making sure I get a nice rotation. My thumb is either facing the side or my thumb is facing down. I'm getting a nice jab, I'm really reaching for the bag. Good, keep it going. I'm going to throw the jab, pop. I'm going to get a nice pivot on that back foot for the two. Now I'm throwing the ones and twos, but I'm actually committing to them instead of just doing it like for cardio. I'm throwing the one and I'm going to do a nice little pivot on that back foot for the two. And notice again, I'm keeping everything tucked nice and relaxed. Good. Good rhythm. Good job. Let's go two more. One more time. Good.

Let's add to that combination. We're going to go one, two, and then the number three, so lead hook. It'll be jab, cross, lead hook. One, two, three. Good. One, two, three. Good. Two more. One more time. Nice job. Good. Remember on these we're doing this, this work especially is low impact. I'm not going too crazy with the cardio. Even the music will go alongside that. It's a little slower pace, a little slower tempo. Again, one, two, three. one, two, three. Good. Go for two more. One more time. Good.

After that three, let's go for a four, so that rear hook. It'll be jab, cross, lead hook, rear hook. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Good. Let's go for two more. One more time. Good. You guessed it. We're in a great position for it. Let's go for that lead upper cut, and that rear upper cut. One, two, three, four, five, six. Again, one, two, three, four, five, six. Notice as I'm getting these punches off, I'm getting good hip rotation. Keep those abs tight, keep that core tight, let the glutes work, let the legs work when you get those punches, when you're throwing them. Again. One, two, three, four, five, six. A few more. One more time. Very nice. Good.

Let's take it just fives and sixes. I like this one. It's called a shoe shine. You're letting the circles happen with your fists. We're working on just almost like what they call an active recovery. I'm still saying active but I'm not pushing too hard. Notice again, notice my feet. I'm running in place right as I throw these shots. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. Keep going. Good. Good rhythm. Good pace. Three, two, one. Very nice. Keep those hands up. Let's go for that jab again. Nice clean number one.

We're going to add in a little bit of head move. I know we didn't do a lot of defensive techniques yet. It's not that important for this video. Just for this, throw the one, work on just moving your head a little bit to the side, to your rear side, so you're throwing a jab and slipping ish at the same time. Good.

Right off of that jab with your head off the side, we're going to come right back with that number two. I throw the one with my head off the line, and then come right with a nice clean number two. Good. Good. Keep a good rhythm. Go for two more. One more time. Very nice. Good.

We're going to add to that combination. We got the one, head off the line, throw the two and let's go right into that number five, that lead upper cut. It'd be one, two, right into the number five. Notice the difference, when I start it, my head is off the line, there's a straight line and my head is off that. I go to the jab, come with a two, then I come right with the number five. Good. Go for two more. One more time. Beautiful.

And let's finish that with another two at the end. It'll be one, two, five, two. Just like that. Good. Good pace. Let's go for two more. One more time. Yes. Back to that active recovery, the shoe shine. Again five and sixes, keeping them close to my face. Pop, pop, pop, pop. Notice I'm running in place letting my body do most of the work. Good. Good job, good job, good job. Three, two, one.

Very nice. Keep those hands nice and high. Let's work a little bit of footwork here. I want to go forth, a stepping jab, and then stepping out. Notice my feet, when I'm in a nice stance here I have a good width. I throw stepping both feet and I throw stepping both feet. I don't want my feet to come together because I don't want to lose my balance. I'll throw a jab and then I'll throw a jab. Notice I'm going lead foot first and then rear foot first, depending on which way I step. If I step forward, my lead foot goes forward. If I step back, my rear foot goes forward. Back. Good. It's up to you how you want to breathe. That one's a little more dramatic with the... I got a sharp hiss. You don't have to do that if you don't want to. Again, I'm stepping in, stepping out. In, out. In, out. In, out.

If you are interested, be sure to check out our Quiet Punch Heavy Bag Strap which turns any punching bag into a smart punching bag.

And now from that position, I'm in a great place. I'm throw a nice long number two across, step in with the jab, step out with the jab. And I pivot for that cross. Good. A few more. Good. Two more to go. One more time. Nice job. Good. Let's do it one more time here. With that active recovery upper cuts. We are a little more than halfway done. Good job, keep working. You're doing a really nice work. Run the upper cuts together. Good. Three, two, one. Good.

Keep those hands nice and high. Let's go for that one, two. And then, we're going to go slip, slip. Think of this like a crunch. We're going to go one, two, crunch, crunch. Think of bringing the elbow to the hip and then elbow to the hip. One, two, crunch, crunch. One, two, slip, slip. Good. Two more. One more time. Bong. You're in a beautiful position, if you go rear and then lead slip for a lead hook. It is one, two, slip, slip and then boom, right into that number three. One, two, slip, slip, three. One, two, slip, slip, and then number. One, two, slip, slip, three. Good. One, two, slip, slip, three. Excellent. One, two, slip, slip, three. Good. One, two, slip, slip, three. One more time. One, two, slip, slip, three.

Again, great position to finish with the number two. It's one, two, slip, slip, three, two. I'll take it slow so you can follow. One, two, slip, slip, three hook, two right into the cross. One, two, slip, slip, three, two. Good. One, two, slip, slip, three, two. Two more. One, two, slip, slip, three, two. One more time. One, two, slip, slip, three, two. Very good. Good job. Keep those hands up.

Let's do the footwork again. Step in with the jab, step out with the jab. Just like we did before, in with the jab, out with the jab, and throw that cross. Good. Beautiful work. Two more times. One more time. Excellent. Beautiful work. Keep those hands nice and high. I'm going to have you reach out. You're going to use that lead hand. Reach out to hold your bag or basically hold your opponent. And then from there, boom, throw that cross. We get a nice range and then replace it with a cross. Hold them, fire. Hold them, fire. And take your time, really give me a nice ah hip rotation to get some more power from that number too. Again, I'm holding my opponent, and then firing the cross. Hold them. Hold them. Good. Hold them. That's what I'm looking for. Hold them in place. Hold them. Good. Hold them. Hold them. Let's go for two more.One more time. Excellent.

Good work. Keep those hands nice and high. Let's go for hooks now. Instead of the shoe shine, which is the upper cuts, we're going to bounce, we're going to throw hooks, get the elbow up and then bring it back down. Don't keep them up so we're not chicken winging it. Making sure they're here, up, up, up and they come right back down and protect your ribs. Same thing, my feet, you notice I'm bouncing on my toes. Good. Good job, good job, good job. Good. Three, two, one. Beautiful. Keep those hands up. Let's go back to the jab again. Remember to really reach for that jab. Let's go back to throwing the jab with the head off the line. Remember, head goes to the side as we throw the jab. Good. Moving our head. Good. Keep my head off the line and then come with that number two. Head off the line, throw that two. Good. Let's go for two more. One more time.

Very nice work. Almost covered all the moves. I want to work on the weave real quick. We haven't done that yet. We're going to do again a one, two. This time we're going to roll, roll. Think of the letter U when you're doing this. I go jab, cross, letter U. I keep those hands up the whole time. One, two, roll, roll. Good. Good. Two more. One more time. Yes, that's good. Just like we did with the slip, we're going to add the hook at the end. One, two, I roll to the rear, roll to the lead side, lead hook, and that cross. It's one, two, roll, roll, three, two. Yes. That's what I'm looking for. Keeping a nice pace. One, two, roll, roll, three, two. Good. Two more times. One more time. Yes, nice job.

Let's do that one more time with the hooks, bouncing on the toes. Doing such a good job. We are 16 minutes in, and we've got four minutes to go. Keep working those hooks. Remember, up and down, up and down. Make sure the elbows come back down to protect your ribs. Good. Good pace. Three, two, one. Good. Final time again. Step in with the jab, step out with the jab, go with the cross. In, out, pivot on that two. Good. Two more. One more time. Yes, nice work.

We're almost at that three minute mark. What we'll do is we're going to finish with just straight punches together. Do the best you can. It's a really nice burnout to finish out the workout. Let's find nice range here. What I'm looking for is good reach, reaching for the punches. Try not to get too close. When you start to get tired, you might be this close to the bag. We don't want that. We want far distance and really reaching. I'm going to do it with you. We're going continuous here until we hit the 20-minute mark. It's not going to be easy. This is why I really ask. I'll talk one more time here. Keep punching. This is why I ask. I want you to really focus on using those legs, so you're not flatfooted. If you're flatfooted, it's going to be all upper body and all shoulders. You want to use your whole body to assist. If you ever watch Manny Pacquiao fight with some of the greats, they have a really nice balance. It's their whole body doing the work.

Again, we are bouncing, looking for good turn over on those hands. If you want, by all means, add in a little bit of head movement. We're just going to keep punching. We got this. You're doing such a good job. Guess what? We have just about two minutes to go. You have done 18 minutes with me. Really nice work. Good. You know what I'm looking for. Now some head movement. Good. Playing with those shots. Keep moving, keep moving. Moving that head. Good turnover, yes. Good. Keep working. Really, really nice. Very impressed by your pace. Good. Got a minute and a half to go here.

I hope you're feeling it. I'm definitely feeling it in my shoulders, trying to push through it. Try not to get too close to the bag. I got to really reach for those punches. Got to practice what I preach. Good. Moving that head. Beautiful work. I'm very impressed. Good pace, everybody. Good. Good. Good job here. Looks like we've got one minute to go. Again, keep bouncing on those toes, give me good rotation. Don't forget to rotate those punches. If you're getting too close, back up, really reach for that bag. Beautiful work. Love it. Add the head moving if you want. Good. Keep that pace going. Really, really impressive here. We got 30 seconds to go. Good.

Again, keep reaching for those punches. Very, very nice. Yes. 20 seconds left. Good. Really nice. 15 seconds and we are done with this 20-minute workout. 10 seconds to go. Here we go. Final countdown. Five, four, three, two, one. And time.

Nice work. I know we started with 200 punches in, so figure out 1700 punches for this workout if you do one for one with me. If not, maybe you did more, maybe you did less, it's fine. But really nice work. Again, 20-minute work on the Quiet Punch.

Thank you for tuning in. I will see you for the next workout.